Dropping soon!

We are information rich and time poor . Do you always set your weekly goal of reading that new book but yet you haven’t managed to take it out of the plastic filled box it was sent in. I have a solution and it is super sustainable, no packaging required……. it’s called a Podcast. Yep, not only do we sell uber cool eco-friendly products, we also have a Podcast channel committed to bringing you motivational and uplifting content.

Some weeks it will just be me (no yawning) and other weeks I will have special guest like other boss gal and guy entrepreneurs, talking about how they brought their business ideas to life (it is often the hardest part of an entrepreneurs journey), plus I will be on the look out to bring you guest speakers on health, general wellness, living sustainably and how you can make a difference.

Yep, it sounds like a lot because well , it is but we aren’t here to muck around, I want to encourage change and I’m going to need an army of eco bosses to lead the way…………. that’s you. xx

Stay tuned and be sure to drop me a line and let me know if there is anything you would love me to cover off…. I’m all ears.

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