Is your deodorant killing the environment?


We use it every day and yet I bet no one takes the time to think about what impact our cute little deodorant bottle is having on the environment or our own health.

I was recently researching all the reasons why deodorant is bad for you and the environment and I felt compelled to share my findings, are you ready for your mind to be blown.

From studies conducted and researches performed worldwide here are just a few reasons why deodorant is harmful to you and the environment. The details below are from an excellent article from Natural Quest Products -



The environment is all about us and our surroundings. Besides posing a great threat to the environment, Deodorants are affecting human health too. It is well known to all of us that our skin is a permeable membrane. Whatever we apply on the skin is absorbed by the rest of the body tissues too. A recent survey revealed that more than 70% of women with breast cancer possessed a large amount of parabens in their body, which is a key component in the manufacture of deodorants and antiperspirants. Parabens are used as preservatives in many deodorants. Although it is considered as a rumor by many since there was not exact track of comparing the amount of paraben available in a normal woman and a cancer patient but still there are no authentic proofs that deodorants do not cause breast cancer. Just for the sake of fragrance, posing yourself at risk of breast cancer would not at all be a good idea.



As stated above we together with our surroundings constitute the environment. The adverse effect of using deodorants does not only limit to breast cancer but the hit list is endless. To name a few, starting from skin allergy and irritation to severe hazardous diseases like Alzheimer's, renal dysfunction, a threat to the endocrine system, the hazardous effect due to use of deodorants have a vast coverage. So besides going much in-depth of the reality avoiding the use of deodorants as much as possible would be a much better idea, indeed!



Formaldehyde, a key element in the manufacturing of deodorants is the key element in the formation of smoke. Also known as Carcinogen, they are widely found in cigarette smoke too.

Besides environmental they pose a greater risk to health too. If inhaled in the severe form they can cause even death.



Aluminum is a key element in the manufacturing of the subgroup of deodorants, Antiperspirants as well as deodorants itself. The process employed by antiperspirants is hazardous in itself as it involves blocking the sweat above that these harmful chemicals involved in its manufacturing doubles up the damage.

Aluminum is a bauxite ore; the process of mining aluminum from its ore requires intense energy. Besides this aluminum is a well-known water pollutant too. It can damage the ecosystem and aquatic life.



Mineral oil is a key element in most skincare products like deodorants, lipstick etc. Mineral oil has the property to emit carbon and other subsequent harmful pollutants that can damage the surrounding. When released with the spray and washed off as we bath aluminum gets to mix up with air and water and cause air pollution as well as water pollution respectively.



Before taking forward this point once again I would like to reiterate the very basics we learned about Ozone layer in our Environmental Science class at the elementary level, it is the thin layer of ozone gas that occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere, located 10-40 km above earth’s surface in the atmosphere. It prevents the earth’s surface from harmful Ultraviolet radiation from sun. The harmful effect of ultraviolet rays from skin cancer to other diseases is not hidden from any of us. Chlorofluorocarbon carbons are the biggest threat to the ozone layer.

Spray deodorants contain aerosol to use as propellant, aerosols have been claimed to contain Chlorofluorocarbon. Although, since the Montreal Protocol- 1987 voluntary international treaty for elimination of Chlorofluorocarbon from aerosols, the use of Chlorofluorocarbon in aerosols has been banned completely. Propellants in Chlorofluorocarbon have now been replaced by liquefied gases, usually butane or propane. Still, there is no assurance that every cosmetic industry follows this protocol while manufacturing deodorants, and hence the threat to the ozone layer is still present.

Besides this aerosol contains non-renewable fossil fuel which when inhaled can negatively impact human health.



You try to use public transport to reduce environmental pollution yet you use deodorants before leaving the house every day. The difference you are making by not using public transport gets dissolved in the fragrance of your body spray. Spray-type deodorants are the worst for the environment. These products are likely to have the highest amount of volatile organic compounds. These compounds are a key component in producing ground-level ozone and hence a key element in the formation of smog.


This is among one of the most threatening yet unnoticed ways in which deodorants harm the environment. Triclosan, an antimicrobial, antifungal agent widely used in skincare products worldwide is a great threat to waterways. With the increasing use of skin care products, chemicals like triclosan are getting accumulated in water bodies like rivers and streams. It is believed to aid in the formation of dioxin and chloroform which are known as carcinogens. Triclosan washes off our body and reaches surface water, in this way they get to reach water bodies. This is evidence to support that it may be toxic to the aquatic organisms and affect their endocrine system.



This is the most transparent yet unnoticed cause which signifies that deodorant does harm the environment. Like many other products deodorant cans’ packaging also comes in the non-recyclable category. Neither deodorants come in cardboard box packaging nor are they refillable. These tin-based or plastic packaging of deodorants is one of the likely causes of soil pollution.

So the question is, next time you run out of deodorant, will you choose a sustainable option?