Is this the break down we needed?

Is this the break down we needed.JPG

The Big Machine of capitalism and corporate hunger are insatiable.

They will not stop.

They will not rest.

Well, not of their own accord, anyway.

But what if a little germ managed to scare the Big Machine for just long enough that it had to take a break?

What sort of world would we see then?

Well, a much cleaner world, that’s for sure. Cleaner skies, cleaner rivers, cleaner oceans.

Animals are taking over some cities as humans stay locked down! It is a science fiction movie. But it’s not. It’s 2020 and this is actually happening.

Of course, capitalism and the modern way of life and the drive for profit and the need for people to work and have jobs means it will be difficult to hold onto these environmental gains. The Big Machine will start up again and it’s smoke will quickly pollute the skies and the waters – unless we can do things differently when we restart the Big Machine.

Let me be clear: I know we need the Big Machine. We need work and a thriving economy and a world that is in motion.

But the thing is, we can do it differently. More sustainably. In a way that looks after the planet. That looks after ourselves.

We can adopt more renewable energy, we can use less packaging and plastic and we can catch more public transport and leave our cars in the driveway. We all have to make an effort. Otherwise, it’s just words and the Big Machine won’t be stopped – or at least, re-trained – by words.

If we want things to change, WE have to change.

Think about every little action you take – can you do it differently so that it doesn’t harm the planet? Can you do it in a way that is better for your health?

It doesn’t have to be a huge inconvenience. It might cost a few cents, a few dollars more. But if you commit to change, there are probably a few things in your life that you can stop spending money on anyway.

CEH is not anti- the Big Machine. It’s about jobs and pay packets and getting stuff done. But what we at CEH are asking for is a cleaner Big Machine.

Let’s make sure this pause hasn’t been for nothing. Let’s learn a few lessons.

Let’s make sure the new normal is cleaner, greener and more sustainable.

Hayley Monteith