The ANSC Absolute Avocado Soap Bar (100g)

The ANSC Absolute Avocado Soap Bar (100g)


The Australian Natural Soap Company Absolute Avocado Soap using only Australian avocado oil, this is the ultimate moisturising soap.

Absolute Avocado is what the name suggests. It is made from 100% pure virgin avocado oil - nothing else. It’s the ultimate luxury bar of soap, with rich moisturising properties. It makes a great facial cleasner.


  • Natural Ingredients

  • Super moisturising with vitamin D & E

  • Cruelty Free

  • Palm Oil, Paraben, Sulfate, Detergent Free

  • Biodegradable

  • Vegan

Feel good factor

Avocado oil is full of vitamin D & E both contributing to a healthy skincare routine.

Vitamin E is a very potent antioxidant which means it has the ability to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals have the potential to damage healthy cells and degrade collagen and elastin. Two very important proteins that keep our skin looking firm. It can reduce skin damage caused by UV exposure.

Vitamin D can protect against UV damage and also exhibits healing properties.

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