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Being kind when it feels like the world is falling apart.

When the long-dead author Henry James said, "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind,” he could not have imagined how relevant those words would be in 2020.

The past few months have challenged the earth and its inhabitants in ways which less than a year ago we would have dismissed as science-fiction scenarios.

Raging fires burning down our country followed by the mystery virus that has shut down the world and changed the way we live and view our lives.

When the bushfires ravaged Australia, we came together as a nation to look after our neighbours. We helped each other in the fight to survive and live to see another day.

Mistakes were made, no doubt, but in the end Australians focused on the challenge and came together to support each other through the darkest of times.

We were kind to each. We shared our experiences and our suffering. And we shared our reserves of goodwill. Mateship at its finest.

Now the devastation of the bushfires is playing out on a global scale in the form of COVID-19, the coronavirus. Will people around the world be able to find ways to once again support the vulnerable and those who most need help?

It is a different challenge. People are locking themselves away, fearful of human contact lest they contract the dreaded disease.

But there are ways the fit and young and healthy can help out, by delivering food, walking dogs and fetching medications for the elderly and vulnerable who have been ordered not to leave their homes for fear of death.

So let your neighbour know you're here to help. It's a great time to be kind. Offer them a spare roll of loo paper!

Let's be kind and generous to each other and come through this thing. Then let's sit down and have a chat about the lessons we've learned. Because we need to learn something from the past few months.

And the first lesson we've learned is the great strength we have as a species when we are kind to each other.

Hayley Monteith

CEO and Founder

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