Staying in good shape emotionally and physically.

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At Creative Eco Hub, our motto is Healthy Planet, Healthy Me. 

And a huge part of a Healthy Me is our mental health and making sure we are in good shape emotionally as well as physically.

Of course, the two aren't exclusive. Countless studies have shown a strong link between physical exercise and mental well being. We will explore this topic more at a later time.

With many people about to be locked away at home in this time of the coronavirus, it's important to make sure we take steps to ensure we keep ourselves in good shape mentally and emotionally.

Let's take a look at a few tips on how to stay in a good frame of mind:

1. Stay connected. Call or Facetime your family and friends on a regular basis and be kind to the people who love you. Everyone's scared at the moment so they will really appreciate hearing from you.

2. Help out. If you hear a friend or a family member is sick, cook them a meal or get a book for them and deliver it to their door. Helping makes us feel better about ourselves.

3. Get active. You can still exercise indoors. Google it, YouTube it. There are plenty of free ways to move and feel good about yourself. And you can still take a walk, just avoid contact with other people. But you can still smile and wave and say g'day!

4. Clean your house. Yep. Take on those chores you have been putting off - clean up the spare room, go through your closet and get rid of clothes you haven't worn since the last global epidemic.

5. Watch the classics. Read the classics Make a list of movies and books you've always promised yourself you'd watch and read work through them. You may never get a better chance!

6. Have a routine. It can be simple: shower, put on clean clothes, go for a walk, read some philosophy - just don't let yourself slip into a funk. Make sure you make an effort to be your best self. Routine helps us keep on top and not let the negative demons creep in.

7. Meditate. Look up some meditation apps and give it a try. You'll be surprised how good and calm it can make you feel.

8. Go for a drive. Being in lockdown doesn't mean you can't take a drive to the beach or the mountains. Put on some driving tunes and hit the road.

9. Write that novel. Or learn to play guitar. Or take up Irish dancing. The point is, you now have the time to have a go at something you've wanted to do all your life. Go for it!

10. Rest. Yep, just take some time out and rest. You've earned it. This is your chance.

So there are a few tips on how to make sure you thrive and survive if you end up being locked down for any period of time. Our best wishes go out to all of you to stay safe and healthy - and remember, you can always send us a message here at Creative Eco Hub if you need to have a chat!

Hayley Montieth

CEO and Founder

Creative Eco Hub

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