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So first of all - are the 184 countries that have pledged to reduce their emissions under the Paris agreement likely to achieve their targets?
Welcome to the first article of the Creative Eco Hub series where, as part of our mission here at CEH we want to inform you and keep you up to date with various global issues and events focussing predominately on Business for Good (B1G1) sustainability and climate change.
In the first of this series, we will be exploring the Paris Agreement including its purpose, background as well as Australia’s positioning and commitment with it to date.
The Paris Agreement is the latest in a series of protocols that sits within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC The first of these and familiar to many was the Kyoto Protocol which commenced in 2005 and ran until 2012. Click to read more.
The Arctic is feverish and on fire — at least parts of it are. And that's got scientists worried about what it means for the rest of the world.
With so many negative stories being washed across every media platform available, it is hard to move away from the devastating impacts that COVID 19 has inflicted on humanity, but what about our health.
The Big Machine of capitalism and corporate hunger are insatiable.
I found this article on and it made me realise that while we all wish to be more eco conscious, do we even know if we are using the correct terminology?
The pandemic has been a human tragedy the likes of which we have never seen before in our generation.
The world is currently giving us yet another wake-up call. The warnings continue to get more severe. How many will it take before we pay finally pay attention? When are we going to learn?
In the third article of this series, & following on from the second article where we explored whether we are on target to meet the Paris Agreement’s most ambitious goal of keeping global warming below 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels which will require reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50 percent by 2030. Also, if this is not looking likely, what will the effects be from an economic and social standpoint?